Simplifying modern pain science into practical steps for recovery
From the co-founder of Tame the Beast.

Learn to deliver an evidence-based, multi-session treatment program for chronic pain.
Our easy-to-use online learning platform includes over five hours of high quality educational videos that outline our clinical practice model. Based on the clinical practice model we presented in Permission to Move (get the book).
Suitable for private practices, hospitals, and clinicians looking to upgrade their existing model of care.
By simplifying ideas from modern pain science, this course offers a practical guide to recovery. Learning is based on three key concepts, which act as a foundation for recovery. You will learn about modern pain science, the biopsychosocial model, and the concept of “anti-fragile”.
Next, we guide you through the same process we use in the clinic. These steps help you to clarify your diagnosis, establish the foundations for recovery, and build a personal recovery plan by selecting strategies from within the course.
Learn to support tissue healing, improve your physical capacity, address contributing factors, and retrain your pain system.

About Dave Moen
My first extraordinary experience of pain didn’t strike me as interesting until years later.
I crushed the end of my finger at work - caught in the cooling tray of a coffee roaster - and because it happened at work I was asked to go to the Emergency Department to have it looked at. The hospital was very busy, and before taking a good look at my finger a doctor filled the contents of a memorably large needle into the back of my hand, causing a lump about the size of a quail egg.
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Lorimer Moseley | Leading pain scientist
I recommend more patients to Dave’s clinic – the authors of this book – than I do to anyone else. This is because I think they are indeed filling an important, missing bit. I recommend this book to clinicians who want to instil confidence in their clients that it is indeed safe to move and that it is possible to retrain their system back to a normal life.
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